A wage you can live on
We believe that all garment workers should be paid a wage they can live on; because having a job should mean being able to support yourself and your family.
Most of the world's garments are made in Asia, and yet while the clothing industry continues to make millions in profits for the big brands the workers, predominantly women, producing the clothes across Asia are being paid the least.
Workers, trade unions, campaigners and consumers are coming together to call for a living wage for all workers.
We are calling for all workers throughout the supply chain to be paid a living wage.
What is a living wage?
A living wage, means that the wage a worker earns in a standard working week (never exceeding 48 hours) is enough to provide for them and their family's basic needs - including housing, education and healthcare as well as some discretionary income for when the unexpected happens.
The Asia Floor Wage has calculated what a living wage should be for workers across the region. These calculations show the difference between the minimum wage in many countries and a living wage.
Why the minimum wage is not enough
In a situation that is repeated across the region, the recently negotiated minimum wage in Cambodia (100 USD) continues to fall far short of the calculated living wage.
In the Cambodian garment industry, over 80% of workers are women, aged 18-35. Many of these have children and families to provide for. With escalating living costs in housing, food, clothing, education, transport and healthcare, the minimum wage simply isn’t enough. In fact, the Asia Floor Wage Alliance calculate that a living wage in Cambodia is 283 USD / month.
Globally recognised as a basic right
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has defined a living wage as a basic human right under their conventions and recommendations to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 23. (ILO Conventions 95 and 131, ILO Recommendations 131 and 135).
Wages and benefits paid for a standard working should meet at least legal or industry minimum wage standards and always be sufficient to meet basic needs of workers and their families and to provide discretionary income.