Which brands need to Pay Up!

With just a week to go until the first anniversary of the terrible collapse of Rana Plaza just 1/3 of the money needed has been committed to the Donor Trust Fund. Clean Clothes Campaign is calling for all brands connected to Rana Plaza or Bangladesh to Pay Up! The survivors and victims' families have suffered enough.

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It is almost a year since the tragic collapse of Rana Plaza when 1,138 garment workers died and over 2,000 were injured.

The Donor Trust Fund provides a central coordinated approach to collecting claims of victims and then ensuring the money is distributed.  However to ensure all those affected receive the support they need the fund needs US$ 40 million in contributions.

To date just half the companies who have been connected to a factory in the building have made commitments, and the fund has just one third of the funds required.

The 29 brands that sourced from factories within Rana Plaza either at the time of the collapse or in the recent past have combined profits of well in excess of US$22 billion a year, they are being asked to contribute less than 0.2% of these profits to go some way towards compensating the people their profits are built on. 

The time for excuses is over - now it is time to Pay Up!