Take action: Make sure Benetton pays what they owe

We know that Benetton cares about what people think. They only signed the Accord last year following a million signature campaign demanding they did so. Now they are avoiding their obligation and are ignoring the plight of the Rana Plaza victims. Benetton must take responsibility now.

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Benetton has been caught again. Investigative journalists have found out that Benetton has failed to fully disclose to the Bangladesh Safety Accord which factories are producing for them - a requirement for every brand signed up to the legally-binding Accord. This means that Benetton may be using factories that are not being properly checked and the company is hiding that fact from the public. 


Benetton knows first-hand the risks of using unsafe factories. Their products were found buried in the rubble of the collapsed Rana Plaza building, where at least 1,138 workers lost their lives on April 24th last year. Yet, Benetton is still willing to put more workers at risk by failing to include all their factories on the Accord team's inspection list. 

Benetton's actions show that they don't care about the lives of workers making their goods. Almost a year after the horrific Rana Plaza disaster they have yet to contribute a cent to the Rana Plaza Trust Fund, which is collecting contributions to cover compensation for the injured workers and the families of those killed.

We are confident that the Accord will now take action to ensure these factories are now included in their inspection schedule. But Benetton must change its ways. Email Benetton now to send a message that workers' lives matter and demand that Benetton make an immediate payment of $5 million into the Rana Plaza Donors Trust Fund.

We know that Benetton cares about what people think. They only signed the Accord last year following a million signature campaign demanding they did so. Now they are avoiding their obligation and are ignoring the plight of the Rana Plaza victims. Benetton must take responsibility now.

Take action and demand that there are no more victims of Benetton.
Link to action : http://action.laborrights.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=8134#petition