Please see our press page, for contact details, FAQs and recent press releases.
If you are looking to request an interview or other research support for an academic paper or project please be aware that unfortunately we are unable to respond due to the high number of requests.
We make all information that might be helpful to you, including our industry reports and other resources publicly available on our website.
You can visit our FAQs, there is also a lot of information in our most recent campaigns and be sure to check out our latest publications.
For information on specific countries check out country profiles and for additional information on Bangladesh and Pakistan have a look at
If you are looking for information on particular brands or advice on where to shop, please be aware that we are not able to comment on individual companies. The general lack of transparency in the sector, the complexity of supply chains and the large number of factories and suppliers makes this an enormous undertaking.
But we can reccomend you visit and to research brands.
We encourage consumers to hold the clothing companies that they purchase from accountable however we do not advocate boycotting. We have found that contacting companies on social media regarding their ethics is especially effective. It is very visible and encourages others to join in on the conversation.
For further information regarding high-street brands and why we do no advocate boycotting, visit the FAQ section of our website.
If your query is not related to any of the above, you can contact us using the contact form below, by email at
or by phone on +31 20 412 27 85