Disney paid up! NBC Universal - You're next!
Thanks in large part to concerned citizens raising the alarm, Disney has joined Starbucks and Tesco in committing to #PayUp. The Kanlayanee workers have also received payment from these three brands. Now just NBC Universal is holding out on paying the wages and severance these people are owed! #WeSeeYouNBCU
Make sure the Kanlayanee workers get their wages. Tell NBC Universal that the people making their products are not minions but people with rights. Please sign and share the petition!
Burmese migrants worked 12 hours a days to take home just over $10 while making products for these four brands at the Kanlayanee factory in Myanmar. Their factory closed suddenly after they spoke out about their labour abuses.They were robed of their wages as a result. Now they are owed just $16,000, a pittance for a global brand with their headquarters in the centre of New York, but life-changing for these workers. NBC Universal have no excuse.