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The road to an Employment Injury Insurance Scheme in Bangladesh
The EII pilot programme, launched in June 2022, comes off the back of almost a decade of work and considerable pressure from Bangladeshi trade unions and civil society organisations supported by the Clean Clothes Campaign. To highlight the long history of the EII pilot scheme and the disasters that acted as catalysts for brands and employers, the Clean Clothes Campaign has pulled together a timeline of the process. This timeline tracks the history of the scheme, the bridging solutions that came in between and shows the heavy campaigning that occurred to ensure the pilot was successfully implemented.
Employment Injury Insurance in Bangladesh: Bridging the Gap
[April 2018] Despite being the second largest exporter of clothing, and the location of some of the worst recent factory disasters, Bangladesh is one of only a handful of countries that entirely fails to provide for a national employment injury scheme for workers who are injured in private workplaces. This position paper makes the case for swift action to put in place a national employment injury insurance system in Bangladesh, with a bridging solution to serve as a stepping stone and to support workers and their families affected by factory incidents since the Rana Plaza collapse.