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Major university study confirms need for fashion brands to sign a binding global agreement on severance
A new study on alternative models for social protection for garment workers by Cornell University validates the proposed Pay Your Workers-Respect Labour Rights agreement.
Protests in 38 cities demand adidas end its long legacy of workers' rights abuses
While adidas was busy stalling on actingon antisemitism, the workers who make adidas products were in the streets demanding an end to pervasive wage theft and union-busting.
Nike under fire over the sportswear giant’s three-year refusal to pay its garment workers
Nike is facing growing pressure in anticipation of its online AGM on 12 September over its steadfast refusal to pay more than 4000 garment workers $2.2 million in unpaid wages and benefits since 2020. Unprecedented concerns are mounting from Nike investors, human rights groups, unions, and consumers that Nike has become a corporate outlier on human rights issues, once again achieving notoriety for failing to ensure that women workers in their supply chain are given their basic rights, despite the company’s own stated commitments and code of conduct.