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Lockdown breaches, exploitation, and modern slavery in fast-fashion giant Boohoo’s supply chain in Leicester
Workers reports reveal serious breaches of UK lockdown measures, failure to protect workers from COVID-19 and furlough fraud. Whilst many brands’ profits have taken a hit during the COVID-19 crisis, a surge in online shopping during the lockdown has boosted Boohoo shares by 22%. Earlier this month, Boohoo agreed to buy online businesses of Warehouse and Oasis for £5.25m[1].
Lets Clean Up Fashion: The state of pay behind the UK high street
For over a decade, consumers, workers and campaigners have been calling on fashion brands to make sure the workers who produce the clothes they sell are paid a living wage. At the start of 2006, Labour Behind the Label decided it was time to check in with the fashion industry, to see what progress has been made. This report from September 2006 presents the results of the investigation, revealing who is - and isn’t - doing what.
Let's Clean Up Fashion - The State of Pay Behind the UK High Street 2008 Update
This is the third time that Labour Behind the Label has surveyed the state of pay behind the British fashion scene, and in three years we have seen definite progress, not only in rhetoric but in the beginnings of tangible work on the ground. The establishment of a multi-stakeholder working group at the Ethical Trading Initiative is one clear milestone (although a year in, its pilot projects have still not begun). Written by Labour Behind the Label, 2008.