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11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse factories are safer but the root causes of tragedy persist
24 April 2024 will mark the 11th anniversary of the fashion industry’s worst tragedy: the collapse of the Rana Plaza building, killing 1,138 people. The catastrophic death and injury toll was caused by a deadly mix of fashion brands ignoring dangerous factory conditions, poverty wages, and centrally, constraints on workers’ ability to organise collectively. While unprecedented progress has been made to make factories safer, the brutal crackdown on workers’ rights still unfolding in response to protests to increase the minimum wage has shown that apparel brands producing in Bangladesh are still failing to ensure that the basic rights of their workers are respected.
Cambodian union leader travels to Germany to address adidas' shareholders on behalf of unpaid workers
On Thursday, 16 May, adidas will inform its investors about last year's wins and losses at the Annual General Meeting. To ensure that shareholders get the full picture on this day, Sithyneth Ry, a Cambodian union president representing 500 unpaid workers in adidas' supply chain, will travel to Germany to inform investors about the workers' plight. Furthermore, activist investors will urge adidas to sign the Pay Your Workers - Respect Labour Rights agreement to ensure that workers are not left penniless during supply chain disruptions in the wake of the climate crisis.
Factory workers of Serbian socks supplier Valy triumph over unauthorised overtime practices
98 trade union members received the overtime payment from Serbian socks supplier Valy that was withheld over the preceding 2.5 years.
Levi’s breaks promise to workers in union busting struggle at Turkish garment factory
Workers at a Levi’s supplier in Türkiyehave faced harassment, attacks, arrests, and dismissal for exercising their right to chose their own union representation. Despite committing to the union that it would pressure the factory management to rehire unlawfully terminated union members, four months since the start of the conflict, Levi’s is still producing clothes at the factory and has stopped communicating with the union and labour rights advocates supporting them.
One year since trade unionist’s murder, brands fail to take responsibility
Exactly one year ago, on 25 June 2023, trade union activist Shahidul Islam, was attacked and killed in front of the Prince Jacquard Sweater Ltd factory in Bangladesh. Despite repeated outreach by the Clean Clothes Campaign network to the garment brands identified as sourcing at the factory, the family has received almost no compensation from brands. Today, we commemorate Shahidul Islam’s life and activism and urge all involved brands to take responsibility and all brands sourcing from Bangladesh to take meaningful measures to ensure workers’ right to organise.
Remembering the Rana Plaza collapse
Today, we commemorate that eleven years ago 1,138 people lost their lives in the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh. Our thoughts are with the people who lost loved ones in this tragedy and with every worker who lived through it. We will keep on fighting side by side with garment workers' unions to make clear that workers’ lives are not a commodity and can not be treated as disposable.
Solidarity with striking garment workers at Sumithra Hasalaka, Sri Lanka!
Around 300 members of the Free Trade Zones & General Services Employees Union (FTZ & GSEU) at the Sumithra Hasalaka factory in Sri Lanka, have been out on strike since Saturday 10th February 2024.
Sri Lankan workers continue two-months long strike for decent wages, while brands fail to take sufficient action
On 10 February 2024, workers of the Sumithra Hasalaka factory in Sri Lanka organised by the Free Trade Zones & General Services Employees Union (FTZ & GSEU) startedstriking for a wage offer that meets their cost of living. Two months on, these brave workers’ strike continues in the face of harassment and intimidation, financial hardship, and during the most important family holiday of the year, the Sinhala and Tamil new year. International brands sourcing from the factory group have taken insufficient action to ensure their suppliertreatsworkers better.
The Clean Clothes Campaign stands in solidarity with the workers of Palestine on Nakba Day 2024
As a global network of over 220 organisations in 45 countries organising to structurally improve working conditions and build the power of manufacturing workers in global garment and sportswear supply chains, we respond to the call from the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions for international solidarity on Nakba day to “raise our voices and take action to disrupt the flow of commerce and trade that sustains Israel’s military colonisation of the palestinian occupied teritory and exploitation of Palestinian workers”.
Union activists in Bangladesh beaten and threatened for exercising their right to organise
Last week, on 15 February 2024, union organisers and activists of the Akota Garment Worker Federation (AGWF) in Bangladesh were beaten, threatened, and subsequently hospitalised. The attack followed an attempt by workers of the Libas Textiles factory in Gazipur, to establish a factory union that would join the AGWF.
Victory for newly unionised garment workers in Nike factory, Sri Lanka
After months of struggle and uncertainty, 18 workers of a Nike sock factory in Sri Lanka, who were suspended for forming a branch union, are now back at their jobs with the branch union in place. This victory shows that union busting has no place in garment supply chains and that workers standing together and international solidarity can make a real difference.
Open letter: European Union (EU) Forced Labour Regulation Trilogue
We are writing on behalf of the 33 undersigned civil society organisations and trade unions to outline key issues that should be considered during the upcoming trilogues in order to make the proposed EU Forced Labour Regulation (FLR) a success.