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BLOG - It Is Time for the Next Binding Agreement
After the Rana Plaza collapse, the Accord has that a binding agreement between brands and trade unions has the capacity to tackle a longstanding problem, improve the lives of workers, while being cost-effective for brands. The time has now come for the next binding agreement to address another longstanding problem: wage and severance theft.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Bangladesh Safety Accord
A collection of FAQs about the Accord of Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh
Ten years since Rana Plaza: we remember and continue the struggle
On this day ten years ago, the Rana Plaza building in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which housed several shops, a bank and five garment factories, collapsed. At least 1,138 people were killed and thousands more suffered often life-changing injuries.On this day, our thoughts are with all those who mourn loved ones lost in the collapse and all those who lived through this man-made tragedy, made all the more devastating because it could and should have been avoided.
“Stop the killing, act now” Clean Clothes Campaign urges brands to sign Safety Agreement
Clean Clothes Campaign is sickened by the preventable collapse of Rana Plaza and condemns brands for their failure to prevent such heavy loss of life once again. Brands must now come forward, ensure emergency steps are taken and pay without delay into a compensation fund for the victims and their families. They must also commit to prevent future disasters.
Cautious welcome to brand compensation, Rana Plaza
The Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) is giving a cautious welcome to the announcements of five brands implicated in the Rana Plaza tragedy that they will pay compensation to victims of the building collapse last Wednesday. They also urge more of the 50 plus brands linked to the disaster to step forward. The details of the brands’ proposals have not been published.
Rana Plaza: Demands to brands
We are calling on all brands sourcing from the devastated Rana Plaza factories which collapsed on Wednesday 24th April 2013 to provide emergency relief, medical costs and compensation to all those affected by the fire.
Global support for Bangladesh factory safety surpasses one million
Over one million people have signed petitions calling for brands sourcing from Bangladesh to sign the legally-binding Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh immediately.
CCC welcomes H&M and Inditex decision to sign legally binding Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh
The Clean Clothes Campaign welcomes the monumental news that H&M and Inditex agreed to sign the legally binding, enforceable and transparent Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh with IndustriALL, UNI and Bangladeshi unions. CCC will sign the Accord as a witness.
More than 54 million euros compensation demand for victims Rana Plaza
With the death toll rising to 1126 on the evening of the 12th of May, and an estimated 1650 workers admitted to hospital following the Rana Plaza collapse on 24th of April, the estimated long term compensation will be more than 54 million Euros (71 million USD). This calculation is based on ILO standards and an established formula developed following previous fire and safety accidents in Bangladesh, developed by Bangladeshi and international trade unions.
More brands commit to the Accord on Fire & Building Safety in Bangladesh
This list will be updated as soon as official confirmation comes in. Last update: Aug 28 2013
Activists protest fashion brands' failure to pay Bangladesh disaster victims compensation
Clean Clothes Campaign activists are set to stage protests across Europe on 24th May calling on major brands to pay compensation for fire and building collapse victims in Bangladesh. The protests take place exactly one month after the Rana Plaza factory collapse and exactly six months after the Tazreen fire killed 1239 in total.
Update: Brands' responses to Tazreen and Rana Plaza compensation demands
An overview of the current status of brands and their compensation for the victims.
CCC welcomes European Parliament support for compensation demand and for binding Bangladesh Safety Accord
With near unanimous votes, this is another strong signal to brands to take their responsability.
BSCI 10th Anniversary Shame over Rana Plaza
The Clean Clothes Campaign slams the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) for celebrating, on 26th June 2013, its tenth anniversary when it has yet to live up to its responsibilities for redress or prevention following the deaths and injuries of thousands of workers in the Rana Plaza tragedy.
Accord Safety Bangladesh announces implementation plan
Clean Clothes Campaign, as one of the witnesses to signing of the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh, congratulates the implementation team on the excellent progress that has been made, which has the potential to make a real difference to the lives of Bangladeshi garment workers. We welcome the strong commitment from brands to improving health and safety in Bangladeshi garment factories,' says Ben Vanpeperstraete, Clean Clothes Campaign.
Safety scheme GAP and Walmart only 'empty promises'
Walmart and Gap – joined by many, but not all, US brands and retailers – have refused to sign the binding Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh. Instead, they offer a program that mimics the Accord rhetorically, but that omits the features that make an agreement meaningful. We explain why this scheme falls far short.
Compensation not charity for fire and collapse victims
Update 09/08/2013: IndustriALL have postponed the meetings on compensation for those affected by the Tazreen fire and Rana Plaza building collapse, to 11th September (Tazreen) and 12th September (Rana Plaza). The meetings will now take place in Geneva. The decision to postpone follows the sudden ill health of the IndustriALL representative in Bangladesh. For more information see:
Benetton and Mango: Rana Plaza survivors risk losing their homes
Thousands of you joined us last May by sending a message to the brands linked to the Tazreen fire and Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh, demanding that they take responsibility by paying compensation. We need your help again. Without adequate compensation, workers now risk losing their homes. Tell Benetton and Mango that the right for compensation unites all people.
Benetton and Mango: come to Bangladesh, and pay compensation!
Recently, we asked you to call on Benetton and Mango to go to the Tazreen and Rana Plaza compensation meetings in Bangladesh because the right to fair compensation ‘unites all people’.
Will Walmart, Benetton and Mango show they care?
All brands, including Walmart, who are linked to the Tazreen and Rana Plaza disasters are being called on to attend meetings on compensation in Geneva on September 11 (Tazreen) and 12 (Rana Plaza) convened by IndustriALL Global Union. The ILO has agreed to facilitate the meetings as a neutral and independent chair. Representatives of the Bangladesh government and the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exports Association (BGMEA) have also been invited.
Brands fail victims of Bangladesh disasters
The Clean Clothes Campaign welcomes the news that 12 brands have agreed to attend meetings in Geneva to discuss the provision of long term compensation to the victims of the Rana Plaza and Tazreen factory diasters in Bangladesh. However it remains shocked at the refusal of over twenty others to take responsibility. It calls on the remaining brands, including Walmart, Benetton and Mango to reconsider and take part in the negotiations.
Bangladesh workers must continue to wait for full compensation
A disappointing outcome, as many brands fail to live up to their responsibility and leave Bangladeshi victims and their relatives in the cold.
New report CCC: Six months on from Rana Plaza
Thursday 24th October marks six months since the deadliest disaster to hit the garment industry, when Rana Plaza collapsed. With over 1,100 people killed and thousands more injured the battle for full and fair compensation continues. Find the latest update on brand involvement in the Rana Plaza and Tazreen compensation proces in the report.
Less than 200 euros compensation for Kalpona
On 24th November 2012, Kalpona, a garment worker from Bangladesh, jumped from the third floor of the burning Tazreen factory and fell to the ground, breaking her leg. She was rushed to the nearest clinic like many others. She has been waiting for compensation for twelve months and wants to move on.
One year after Tazreen fire, the fight for justice continues
Twelve months after at least 112 people lost their lives trapped in the Tazreen Fashions factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh, families of the decased and survivors are still waiting for full and fair compensation.