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Bangladesh Accord expiration poses liability risk to apparel brands
An analysis of existing and upcoming human rights due diligence legislation in relation to the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh, published today, shows that apparel brands will expose themselves to considerable liability risks if they fail to negotiate and sign a follow up agreement to this ground-breaking safety programme, which will expire in two weeks’ time.
Open letter to European Commissioners: Kalpona Akter calls for strong protections against violations and access to justice for victims
Bangladeshi human rights defender Kalpona Akter wrote an open letter to European Commissioners Didier Reynders and Thierry Breton who are jointly working on a legislative proposal on Sustainable Corporate Governance.
European Union one step closer to corporate accountability but with a long way to go
Clean Clothes Campaign cautiously welcomes the long awaited rules on corporate sustainable due diligence proposed by the European Commission. Whereas the proposal falls short of our recommendations, the introduction of a binding obligation on companies to carry out human rights and environmental due diligence is a major step toward corporate accountability. We call upon the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union as co-legislators to ensure that the legislation ultimately brings yet stronger protections for the workers and other rights holders.
Pakistani unionists on advocacy tour in Europe call for worker-centred safety approach and strong due diligence laws
Representatives of Pakistani unions have today started an advocacy tour in Brussels, The Hague and Amsterdam to meet policy-makers and other stakeholders to discuss the need for strong supply chain legislation and a binding country level programme to safeguard garment and textile workers’ rights to decent working conditions.
Respecting Rights or Ticking Boxes?
Legislating Human Rights Due Diligence: Momentum to enact mandatory human rights due diligence (HRDD) legislation is building around the world. Such legislation is necessary to ensure corporations respect human rights and that victims of corporate abuse have access to justice and remedy. This paper identifies 12 key interpretations of the norms that legislators must get right when establishing HRDD obligations.
Letter by Kalpona Akter to the European Commission on sustainable corporate governance legislation
Bangladeshi labour rights activist and former garment workers wrote a letter (July 2021) to European Commissioners Didier Reynders and Thierry Breton who are jointly working on a legislative proposal on Sustainable Corporate Governance about how only a law that addresses the root causes of violations and has accountability at its core will truly transform and protect people’s lives.
Factory safety in the garment sector: An assessment of mandatory human rights due diligence obligations of apparel brands (without the Bangladesh Accord)
This August 2021 legal brief by Clean Clothes Campaign, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, and Worker Rights Consortium explores legal liability of apparel brands under existing and upcoming supply chain legislation in relation the the possible expiration of the Bangladesh Accord.