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On International Migrants Day, justifications for migrant worker abuse in Nike’s supply chain put migrant rights under threat
Shortly before today’s International Migrants Day, a new report about a case of wage theft at the Hong Seng Knitting factory in Thailand gives the company’s buyer, Nike, new excuses to ignore the rights of the factory’s mostly Burmese migrant workforce.
BLOG - Global brands, global exploitation
A small Thai factory without a name, more of a room than anything else, few windows, a ceiling low enough that those inside could touch it, toilets too dirty to use, one door at the front, another at the back providing the only fresh air, and no electric fans to cool temperatures of up to 37 degrees Celsius (100F).
Disney paid up! NBC Universal - You're next!
Thanks in large part to concerned citizens raising the alarm, Disney has joined Starbucks and Tesco in committing to #PayUp. The Kanlayanee workers have also received payment from these three brands. Now just NBC Universal is holding out on paying the wages and severance these people are owed! #WeSeeYouNBCU
Forced labour and debt-trap: migrant workers in Japan face substantial risks during coronavirus outbreak
Report on migrant garment workers in Japan’s state-supported Technical Internship Training Program (TITP) are subjected to widespread labour violations including poverty pay, debt bondage, enforced overtime, and inadequate and crowded living and working conditions. Fears grow for their safety during Coronavirus outbreak.
Made In Japan report
Report on migrant garment workers in Japan’s state-supported Technical Internship Training Program (TITP) are subjected to widespread labour violations including poverty pay, debt bondage, enforced overtime, and inadequate and crowded living and working conditions, and fears grow for their safety during the Coronavirus outbreak.