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Disney paid up! NBC Universal - You're next!
Thanks in large part to concerned citizens raising the alarm, Disney has joined Starbucks and Tesco in committing to #PayUp. The Kanlayanee workers have also received payment from these three brands. Now just NBC Universal is holding out on paying the wages and severance these people are owed! #WeSeeYouNBCU
Garment brands and manufacturers cannot stay silent on Myanmar atrocities
The Clean Clothes Campaign Network condemns the silence of garment brands, including Aldi North, Lindex and Marks & Spencer, on the military in Myanmar committing atrocities since the military coup at the start of February. Brands such as H&M, Next, C&A, Primark and Benetton, who have suspended placing new orders, still have a clear responsibility towards workers to ensure wages and severance are being paid.
Garment brands and manufacturers must condemn the military coup and support workers in Myanmar
Joint statement of solidarity with workers in Myanmar
Adidas’ profits blunder ignores rights violations on International Women’s Day
Adidas celebrates International Women's Day by ignoring the violations against women workers in their supply chain and focusing on their profits.
Ongoing union busting at adidas' Myanmar supplier
Adidas considers the Pou Chen case 'resolved' however there are reports of ongoing union busting at the factory.
Solidarity with workers in Myanmar on the second anniversary of attempted coup
Updated demands to international brands sourcing from Myanmar, in light of the ongoing violence and repression by the military junta.
Myanmar #payyourworkers 2020
Myanmar #payyourworkers Nov 2020